Subcontractor Form

Subcontractor Form

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Main Contact

Is company directly or indirectly signatory to any labor agreements?
Is company able to bond projects
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Is the company certified? Check all that apply:

Firm Reference 1


Firm Reference 2


Firm Reference 2


Safety Information

Is company part of any OSHA partnership?
Does company conduct weekly, documented safety audits?
Does company have a safety management program and safety manual?
Does company have a full time safety manager/director?
No Do company trade personnel begin each day with a safety meeting?
Does company use project specific safety plans?
Other Information In the past five years, has company:
Had any liens filed against it by any of its subcontractors, suppliers or taxing authority?
Had any judgments, claims, arbitration proceedings or suits against it or its officers?
Filed any lawsuits or request arbitration with regard to a construction contract?
Ever failed to complete a contract, been defaulted, or had a contract terminated?
Had liquidated damages assessed against it upon completion of a project?
Had any of its key people been a party to a bankruptcy or reorganization proceeding?
Had any of its key people been investigated for or found to have committed a violation of any labor laws?
Had active or inactive exclusions associated with it or any key personnel as determined by the Federal Government Systems for Award Management (S.A.M.)?
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      Max. file size: 32 MB.
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        Max. file size: 32 MB.
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          Max. file size: 32 MB.

